What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) comes from the Greek word 'kinesis' meaning motion and is the study of movement. Certain aspects of the system have been used by conventional doctors and physiotherapist to test the range of movement, strength and ability of muscle-damaged patients.

Kinesiology is used to detect and rectify functional imbalances before they develop into disease. It is a complimentary therapy treatment that identifies patterns of weaknesses in muscles through gentle muscle testing.

It is in the process of being recognised by Government through the development of National Occupational Standards.

Kinesiology harnesses many techniques from allopathic medicine and other complimentary therapies in order to assist the client in correcting the imbalances identified through kinesiological assessment.

Kinesiology is a gentle non-evasive therapy with no side effects. It is perfectly safe for people of all ages and states of health.

Kinesiology - Is a way of balancing health by testing muscles. Our bodies contain invisible energies flowing throughout our organs and tissues. It is only when these circuits of energy are free-flowing and balanced that we are in a state of good health and well-being. These energy circuits can become blocked in times of stress or illness and we become weak if we use more energy than we can generate. The weaknesses can be clearly identified with simple muscle testing - the effected muscle displaying loss of strength. It’s a very effective and natural way of testing for allergies or sensitivities to certain foods, but also pin points deficiencies of vitamins and minerals.

How is a Kinesiology session conducted?

To reach a diagnosis, the kinesiologist questions the person about their symptoms and current situation, and will also ask about family history, lifestyle and past medical history. The practitioner will then assess the function of a number of muscles appropriate to the client’s condition by applying gentle pressure to the muscle and asking the client to match that pressure so that the limb does not move. If the client has difficulty in matching the pressure this indicates a imbalance. Further muscle testing will then identify the correction required in order to regain full control.

The corrective action required maybe any of the following :-

Clearing blockages in acupuncture meridians.

Clearing blockages in the lymphatic system by massaging reflex points.

To avoid foods or other substances that the client may be sensitive to.

To use nutritional supplements that the client may be deficient in.

Postural or stretching exercises.

Gentle manipulation of bones to facilitate proper alignment.