When it comes to your health, do you provide your body with the right conditions to enable it to be self healing ? Is your health on the top of your to do list ? If you don't take time for your health now, then you will have to take time for illness later!
Learn Reiki TODAY. Reiki enables you to heal yourself
and others, hands on or off, without effort or study. Reiki is one of
the most powerful and effective forms of natural healing and enables you
to create real magic in your life each day. Usui Reiki 1 attunement is
life changing in so many positive ways. Reiki encourages many positive
changes to occur in your life, which may be long over due. This price
includes very detailed manual covering Reiki, Colour Therapy, Crystals,
Chakra’s and how you can use them to improve your health &
well-being and balance your Life and ongoing support. This is a
recognised Diploma should you wish to practise reiki
You can
practise Reiki any time, any place, any where. Nothing to study, no
expensive equipment required, just you to do the healing. it’s a great
way of earning extra income when ever you like.
The distant
attunement is available the same day. No time required whatsoever. No
examination, no learning or study time. The only time you really learn
about Reiki and energy is by practising healing, by simply placing your
hands close to or on yourself or others.
Reasons to learn Reiki
Reiki connects you to universal energy so you can
heal yourself whenever you feel the need. You can balance your body,
mind and spirit by spending some time each day devoted to self-healing.
you are feeling that there is something missing in your life that you
can’t quite pin point, chances are that it’s your spirituality. By
learning Reiki you are re-connected to your higher self, which means you
will become far more intuitive, enabling you to make better decisions
and to feel far more ‘whole’.
Stress is recognised as a major
contributor to so many illnesses in modern society. Reiki has an
extremely calming effect, filling you with a sense of inner peace and
serenity that will ensure that stress won’t rule your life. You will
gain a sense of real self-purpose and inner clarity that may have eluded
you previously.
Our lifestyles are incredibly busy and this
takes a toll on our bodies as well as other areas of our life. Through
continual self-healing at a physical level you can not only help to
prevent illnesses occurring but you can use Reiki on actual physical
injuries and problems from mild back pain to cancer. Reiki can help with
any illness.
If you feel that your life lacks direction
learning Reiki re-connects you with your true purpose in life and will
leave you feeling far more focused about where you need to be heading
and directing all your precious resources. Many people spend years
feeling they are in the wrong job or wrong situation and Reiki opens
your mind up to the things that you really need, perhaps not want but
need. There is nothing quite so liberating.
Many people often
feel that they are taking so much from life and yet giving so little
back and are completely unsure of how to rectify this situation. If you
take a Reiki course to practitioner level you are able to heal others as
well as yourself. There is nothing quite like healing other people to
make you appreciate your own situation and bring comfort to your life.
There is nothing more rewarding than being able to share your gift of
healing helping someone else who so desperately needs it and bringing
happiness to someone else’s life.
Reiki has the potential to
turn your whole life around for the better if you self heal every day
and listen to your intuition. Your whole life becomes clearer and you
really do realise what is important in life and what you can do without.
Everything is put into perspective and you learn to appreciate so many
things and really learn who are your friends and who are just using you.
Most people have emotional traumas in their life and what many
do not realise is that the energy from these traumas is carried with you
and has a negative effect on you, possibly for your whole life. Our
traumas hold us back in life stalling self-development. By using Reiki
on yourself you can remove the energy attached to those traumas so you
will no longer feel any pain associated with the event. Once this has
been achieved you are finally free to be yourself.
It is easy to
get trapped in the cycle of old lifestyle patterns and issues, for
example: following the same faddy diets that don’t work, making new
years resolutions you know you will break every year, getting trapped by
financial issues, working too hard, struggling in relationships. This
can continue for your whole life. Reiki can change the way you deal with
life, the way you deal with situations and relationships in a way that
is much healthier for you. It might not happen in a conscious way but
you will find that for instance someone who takes advantage of you
normally will get a shock when you defend yourself and demand greater
respect. You learn to love yourself more and also to love others but in a
way that allows them to learn their lessons and never take you for
The founder of Reiki Mikao Usui said that Reiki was the
‘art of inviting happiness’. This is very true. If you ask anyone if
they are honestly really happy I doubt you will get a resounding yes
from the majority. People often misconceive what real happiness is and
associate it with wealth, material possessions or a successful career.
Happiness is about so much more than that. Happiness comes from a
profound understanding of the universe and knowing your place in the
universe. If you choose to learn Reiki you will be set on the path to
enlightenment. For some this is a short path, for others a much longer
one but once you know you are on it you find what happiness is. Reiki is
more than just a therapy it is the way of the universe.
Usui Reiki level 1 £40, Reiki 2 £50 & Reiki Master to enable you to teach Reiki £150.
you are looking to teach reiki or a change in career then why not take
advantage of the package for ALL Usui levels 1,2 & reiki master only
Treatments can help to heal every kind of physical problem
including sports injuries, broken bones, back problems and serious
illness or disease. Reiki healing is also particularly effective in
combating stress, tension, depression and all forms of mental, emotional
& physical problems. treatments can help you cope during times of
upheaval and change. Some people can enjoy Reiki simply as a relaxing
way to recharge their batteries and boost their energy levels, or to
improve their general health and well-being.
Reiki is one of the oldest and most powerful and effective forms of natural healing. Reiki is a Japanese name for the powerful natural healing energy that surrounds everything in the world. Call it what you will, it`s what makes us tick! Reiki energy revitalises and refreshes the mind, body and soul.
Reiki treatments complement any other kind of treatment or therapy, conventional or otherwise in both people and animals.
Treatments can help to heal every kind of physical problem including sports injuries, broken bones, back problems and serious illness or disease. Reiki healing is also particularly effective in combating stress, tension, depression, PMS and all forms of emotional trouble. Treatments can help you cope during times of upheaval and change. Some people can enjoy Reiki simply as a relaxing way to recharge their batteries and boost their energy levels, or to improve their general health and well-being.
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive hands-on form of healing which can never do harm and always benefits those who receive it. Treatments generally last for around an hour.
There are many beneficial effects of Reiki:
Promotes natural self-healing
Balances the energies in the body
Heals holistically
Strengthens the immune system
Relieves pain
Clears toxins
Enhances personal awareness
Relaxes and reduces stress
Promotes creativity
Treats symptoms and causes of illness
Adapts to the natural needs of the receiver.
Releases blocked and suppressed feelings
Balances the organs and glands and their bodily functions
Aids meditation and positive thinking
The courses are on going and can be done any day of your choice. Booking to reserve your place is essential as the groups are small with limited spaces. The day covers Usui Reiki 1,2 or Reiki Master Attunement and also the Chakra's, Crystals and Colours. You will learn how to use natural means as a preventative measure for your health and how to improve your health with simple yet very effective techniques. Once you have been attuned you will be receiving Reiki and practising on others. You will be presented with Usui Reiki Certificate which will enable you to practise Reiki. You will learn everything you need to know to practise reiki on yourself and others and send distant healing and gain years of my experience and techniques to enable you to practise reiki in the most simple and effective ways possible.
For more details please contact me
Payments can be made Below via paypal online to secure your place for your chosen date or pay for distant attunement
PRICES FOR ATTUNEMENTS / Recognised Diplomas
Reiki 1 Distant Attunement - 40.00
Reiki 1 Attunement in person - 120.00
Reiki 2 Distant Attunement - 50.00
Reiki 2 Attunement in person 140.00
Reiki Master Distant Attunement - 150.00
Reiki Master Attunement in person - 250.00
ALSO DISTANT ATTUNEMENTS AVAILABLE FOR Ayurveda Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Surya Shakti Reiki levels 1,2 and Master ALL £20.00
LOOKING TO TEACH REIKI? ALL USUI Reiki levels 1, 2 & REIKI MASTER ONLY £175. SPECIAL OFFER. Price includes all manuals, certificates, linear chart and tips for before during and after healing / attunements. Alternatively you can pay as you go with each level and the total for all attunements is £240
We take care of our vehicle’s and maintain them with services and place fuel in them constantly to maintain optimum performance. Yet each day what do we do to maintain our own bodies? We seem to think that they will continue to work efficiently and effectively each day without even once giving them a second thought, as though there is an endless supply and the next breath will be there without question. What measures do we take to provide our own bodies with the right conditions to enable them to heal themselves? Don’t put your health on the bottom of your to do list and start to listen to your own body. Nobody on this planet knows your body better than you.
You are the only one in control of your Health. Take responsibility for your health today and give your body what it needs to be self healing. When you give your body the right conditions, it can and will heal itself
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dearest Victoria, You are really a FAIRY GOD MOTHER. You see, ever
since you came into my life, which was just a few weeks ago, I am not
the same. I was skeptical as any allopathically grounded physician would
be. One day, while sitting in my clinic after finishing my work, I went
into a deep meditative state - spontaneously. Some higher power played
out my negative traits and my deepest fears and all my pain. But, I was
in a detached state and I always experienced some backround pain in my
body. That vanished. I suddenly became very loving, caring and all the
things I hoped to be. I found out that I had become very blissful and
childlike. I felt that my chakras have been synchronised and were
rotating in unision. I am constantly feeling blissful since then and
feel a power emitting from the top of the head. The skeptic part of me
was shocked into silence and was waiting to find fault with this state.But
the trusting part of me understood that some healing energy had taken
hold of me and was taking all the pain that I had experienced within. I
waited for a few days. But, this state persisted. One of my guru's had
stated that what comes and goes is unreal and HE had also told me that
bombarded with love, completely overwhelmed and I wept with unalloyed
joy. My body has become very light and I am a ball of bliss.
Intuitively, I reallized that I had reached a higher state. But I wanted
to confirm with you. I have been silently sending this positive
vibration of PURE LOVE to all my patients and to many of those who do
not like me. Thank you once again, NOT FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART BUT
FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY SOCKS. Years and years of spiritual seeking has
finally bought me some meaning. I love you unconditionally dearest
Victoria. Thank you thank you thank you... Loads and pots of love,
Vicki is an excellent tutor and mentor and I would recommend this course over and above any other which I have taken. ![]() brilliant
![]() ![]() Jean
![]() ![]() Dr. Rajesh Vishwanathan
a good course
![]() ![]() Angela
Excellent course
![]() ![]() Abigail
reiki can change your life
hi there is been sixdays since my first attunement im feeling really good i have notice every so often i feel like my body is going through a healing crisis but i have a feeling its just the energy getting rid of the negative. but im feeling pretty darn good though i was having just a little fun the other day and thought about this clock on my desk the battery died about a month ago so i took it out and put my intent on recharging the battery now i keep having to set the clock back a few minuts it running fast and its been going for the past four days like this made me realise if i can recharge a double A battery that there is so much we can do that we didn't know before cool ok another thing here i know we live in a world of instant every thing and we can't seem to wait a second longer for things between the microwave dinners and instant coffee as humans we have become so wrapped up in speed we forget things like the smell of a rose the taste of real honey or thanking people for holding the door for us and I'm guilty of this to so i'm not saying im Mr perfect but we also live in this world with so many other people that have very little they don't have instant coffee the beg on the streets to get enough money for a cup of soup they are down on their luck and their energy to they don't know how to acess the universe thats where we come in if you can't share the light with strangers then you are never going to get anywhere in your life Victoria has no problem sharing her self with complete strangers she put out the enrgy that has helped so many of us so i want you to stop and think did i share anything with anyone today that wasn't a friend or family member try this next time you go to the store make eye contact with someone you don't know and smile and say to your self i love you i don't know you but i love you i can promise you that that person is going to smile back and may even say hi i guess what im trying to get across is that victoria wants our help and i think we should do what ever we can to help her she is overwhelmed with people wanting to be healed but nobody wants to give anything well the universe doesn't work that way my friends its a give to recieve contract so lets help her and the world lets heal this crazy messed up world one soul at a time if not for your self then do it for her |